John Carver

Test Engineer and Web Developer

Hello! If you're here then you might want to know the interesting parts about what it is that I do. To make it short; I code things. I make fully functional web applications using technologies such as javascript, typescript, React, and node.js. I also use my engineering skill to test appilciations using a variety of modern tools such as Cypress!

Here's some fun (not work) related things about me. My hobbies include Disc Golf, Golf, electronics, and meteorology. I also like to go camping and backpacking, and I am an Eagle Scout! I have a strong interest in weather and meteorology including storm tracking and forecasting. I am also a pretty big roller coaster enthusiast, and if you know what that entails then I'll go ahead and tell you what you want to know; Lightning Rod at Dollywood is my #1 roller coaster.

Industrial and Systems Engineering - North Carolina State University


Phone: 704-307-0150


Download My Resume

What I've Made

The Grid

Fully featured social media web application made for gaming and gamers. Includes profiles, friends, clans, messaging and comments! A full-stack MERN React SPA.


React, Mongo, Express, Node


Full-stack application build for searching live and historical information on stocks. Stock data is displayed using in pleasing graphical charts using c3.js.


Node, Express, mySQL/sequelize, C3.js, Bootstrap


App that will find the cheapest flight for a trip, as well as finding events in the area of their destination for the duration of their trip.


Javascript, jQuery, Materialize, APIs

Star Wars RPG

Chose your character and battle the remaining enemies. Defeat the enemies before you run out of health to win!


Javascript, HTML, CSS, jQuery

Burger App

Full-stack app using express, ORMs, MVCs, and mysql. HTML generated using handlebars templates and partials.


Javascript, Node.js, Handlebars, mysql

Friend Finder App

Full-stack app that allows users to answer a survey and match them with similar people to make friends!


Node.js, Express, Heroku, Javascript, HTML, CSS

What I Use